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by (140 points)
What happens when resistors are connected in parallel?

1 Answer

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by (1.4k points)
The voltage across each resistor in parallel is the same. The total resistance of a set of resistors in parallel is found by adding up the reciprocals of the resistance values, and then taking the reciprocal of the total: equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel: 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 +...Jul 10, 2000');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('_fqxnYNefI8fK0PEPip61GA107','
When resistors are connected in parallel, more current flows from the source than would flow for any of them individually, so the total resistance is lower. Each resistor in parallel has the same full voltage of the source applied to it, but divide the total current amongst them.

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