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by (120 points)
What is HDP sandbox?

1 Answer

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by (1.3k points)
HDF - is used to handle Data in Motion. HDP - is used to handle Data at Rest. But HDP contains storm (real time message processing) and Kafka ( distributed messaging system ).Jun 15, 2017');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('_ot9qYKCRFdyS0PEPiZOM0Aw47','
Cloudera has a commercial license, while Hortonworks has open source license. Cloudera also allows the use of its open- source projects free of cost, but the package doesn't include the management suite Cloudera Manager or any other proprietary software. Cloudera has a free 60-day trial, Hortonworks is completely free.Feb 21, 2019
The Sandbox is a straightforward, pre-configured, learning environment that contains the latest developments from Apache Hadoop, specifically the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). The Sandbox comes packaged in a virtual environment that can run in the cloud or on your personal machine.

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1 answer
asked Aug 16, 2021 by hdp (120 points)